This bag has the ability to hold anything and everything you need for the course. Best and most disc space for the price compared to all other brands, along with a ton of little neat pockets and places to hold things. Awesome insert cage for the discs that can be washed out. All of the material inside the bag where the discs go can easily be washed by hand if you get out for a muddy rounds. The drink holder fits a 32 oz water bottle perfectly 🥰 the blue color is super legit and sweet. The bag is extremely comfortable to carry and sits upright very well. There's no reason to buy anything else bag wise! With this bag I don't have to have a thing in any of my pockets, and rain or shine, I'm certain all of my belongings will be safe 💯🙏 also big shout out to GGGT for having the quickest free shipping I've ever had on an item. You guys are the real MVP 😎